Monday, April 16, 2012

The 4 Main Types of Renewable energy

As the world reaches its energy emergency we need to reduce our dependence on non-renewable energy sources, and start generating renewable energy on a heavy scale.

To date there are four main types of renewable energy that we can produce: wind power, solar power, hydro power, and geothermic power.

Renewable Energy

Wind Power:
Wind turbines have been around for millennia, further back than the birth of Christ. Over the years they have been used to pump water, drag boats and grind flour. But at the turn of the market revolution, wind turbines were made to produce electricity.

The 4 Main Types of Renewable energy

Although many people envision windmills as those ornate ones in Holland or the small wind-pumps on farms, they have been industrialized tremendously in the past decade. Now wind turbines are able to originate thousands of megawatts of power, and when used on a small scale at home, wind power can substitute accepted energy sources, helping households to get off the grid.

Solar Power:
The sun is the most readily ready form of energy there is, so we should be using it to a larger extent. And as technology advances, households are provided with a whole of ways to harness the power of the sun. These ways comprise solar electricity, solar heaters, solar dryers and solar cookers.

With solar galvanic and heating systems, they are both cost-effective, good for the environment, they need little maintenance and help you save on your utility bills. Solar cookers are very healthy way of cooking food, since they cook the food at a lower temperature-helping to reserve its vitamins and minerals. They are also very portable, manufacture them ideal for travelers and campers.

Hydro Power:
Initially hydro or water power was used industrially to rivers and waterfalls to power waterwheels that would then be used to move water for irrigation or grind flour.

Today hydro power is used in dams to produce electricity for households and businesses. Hydro-electric power is originate on a large scale where dammed up water is channeled straight through turbines, which spins a dynamo as it gushes through. The best example of hydro-electric power would be the Hoover Dam, which was built to supply electricity to Las Vegas. In fact hydro-electric power is effective is favorite nowadays that it accounts for over 90% of the worlds renewable energy.

There have been some collective and environmental concerns about construction dams for hydroelectricity since entire hamlet and communities are flooded by the dam, and the walls forestall sure species of fish from swimming upstream to spawn.

Geothermal Power:
Geothermal power is typically produced in areas with ongoing volcanic activity, where magma is relatively close to the surface. One such area is Iceland, where a large proportion of its power is produced from volcanic geysers.

Here, large power plants are built over the geysers, where hot fast-moving steam from the geysers drives large turbines to make electricity. To speed up the process, water is sometimes pumped back into the geysers to make more steam, which is then used to drive the turbines once again, thus manufacture it an endless cycle.

Well, this concludes our brief summary of the 4 main types of renewable energy. You can find out more in-depth data on each type by reading our other articles or browsing our website in the link below.

The 4 Main Types of Renewable energy

Green rug Tips

Are you planning on installing new flooring in your home? If so, you may be considering installing carpeting. After all, with practically 70% of floors in the United States covered in carpet, it is the most base form of flooring in the country. Still, there are some drawbacks to using rug in your home, particularly if you are environmentally friendly. Fortunately, there are a few steps you can take to help you take greener rug options.

Exploring the Harmful Components of Carpeting

Renewable Energy

Although rug can no ifs ands or buts look attractive in the home, there are some drawbacks to installing it. One problem with rug is the fact that many types of rug are made with a range of different petroleum products that can be harmful to your health. Some of these include:

  • Acrylic
  • Polyester
  • Nylon
  • Polyurethane
  • Sb Latex
  • Polypropylene
  • Polyvinyl Chloride

Green rug Tips

In expanding to the petroleum products used to make synthetic carpets, they often comprise other chemicals that can be harmful when inhaled. These comprise chemicals such as:

  • Antistatic Treatments
  • Fire Retardants
  • Fungicides
  • Stainproofing Additives

Not only are these chemicals and petroleum products unhealthy for you to inhale, they are also harmful to the environment.

Maintaining Your Carpet

Another downside to installing rug is that it takes more effort to verbalize than other types of flooring. In order to keep the rug finding clean and attractive, it needs to be vacuumed on a quarterly basis. In addition, in order to avoid the improvement of mildew and mold, rug must be shampooed a few times per year. Not only does the process of maintaining a rug require using a great deal of energy, your indoor air quality can also be compromised by the toxins that are collected in the carpeting.

Finding Greener Options

If you want to install carpeting, but you are finding for a greener way to do it, you should hunt for rug that bears the Green Label Plus label. If you can't find a Green Label Plus rug that suits your style and budget, however, there are a few other things you should keep in mind when shopping for carpeting. These include:

  • Avoid rug that uses adhesive or that has been treated with many different chemicals
  • Choose rug made from renewable fibers, such as corn leaves, wool, sea grass, sisal, cotton, hemp, coir, or jute
  • Use rug tiles rather than wall to wall rug so you can replace just one quadrilateral if it becomes damaged or stained
  • Use tacks when installing rug rather than glue

By following these straightforward tips, you can still enjoy the attractiveness of rug if that is what you select to have in your home, but you can cut your carbon footprint while also holding you and your family healthier.

Green rug Tips